About this blog

About Holly’s Blog

Hello, my name is Holly Reese. I’m a Health & Fitness Coach, speaker, and best-selling author. In addition, I’m a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, Medical Qigong practitioner, nutrition and food-healing specialist, NASM certified personal trainer with specializations in corrective exercise and senior fitness, and martial arts instructor.

I’ve started this blog because I have a vision for providing people with the health knowledge and skills they need to create and maintain vibrant health. We all need to know how to take care of ourselves, how to create and maintain good health, regardless of age. I’m here to share my thoughts, knowledge, experiences, tools, techniques, and support with as many people as possible. In the process, I hope to build a global community of natural health seekers who learn and share their experiences and successes at creating the vibrant health they desire.

I’ve been interested in the body, health, and human potential ever since I was a child. I started my martial arts training at the age of twelve, and I’ve always been a workout-aholic. But, I also took my health for granted and thought I was invincible. That is until I developed a rare auto-immune disorder, at the age of 40, called MCTD. It was nasty and had everything: chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, neuralgias, digestive dysfunction, scleroderma, Raynaud’s, and more… You can check out more of my story here.

Needless to say, my situation was bad. I didn’t think I was going to make it, and I definitely didn’t want to hang around much longer. But, when things were at their worst, I had a spiritual epiphany and began to address healing on all levels – mind, body, and spirit. You need all three to truly become well. Today, I’m healed and I feel great. I was helped along the way by so many amazing people and acts of kindness that touched my soul. Now, it’s my turn to reach out and pay it forward.

It doesn’t matter where you are now, your age, current ability, or level of activity. You can achieve levels of health and fitness that you may never have dreamed possible. It can be a daunting task and it’s up to you to begin. But, you don’t have to walk your path to vibrant health alone. Join me in my conversation, learn, and begin taking practical, manageable, and safe steps towards your health goals. Miracles of healing, health, and fitness are possible for you and those who but dare to try!


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