Alternative Health, Bone Health, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Diet Nutrition & Food Healing, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Health, Longevity, Movement & Fitness, Osteoporosis

Build Strong Bones and Prevent Osteoporosis

osteoporosisOsteoporosis is a Global Health Concern

Osteoporosis is a rapidly growing global health concern, and according to the World Health Organization, second only to heart disease. Osteoporosis prevention should be a global health priority. It is also interesting to note that the nations with the highest calcium intake have the largest incidence of osteoporosis. For example, the Eskimos who consume more calcium than any other culture in the world have the single highest rate of osteoporosis anywhere in the world.

Why is this true?

Because bone generation doesn’t just depend on our calcium intake, there are other important minerals needed; magnesium and silica being the most important, as well as, vitamins D and K.

It is common for someone with osteoporosis to have a magnesium deficiency. The most efficient way to get minerals is from the plant world, not from supplements. We actually don’t absorb supplement minerals well at all, so the number on the label is not what you are actually getting.

How do I get the Bone Building Vitamins and Minerals that I need?

To get a balance of calcium AND magnesium eat more vegetables like – swiss chard, watercress, dandelion greens, kale, and spinach.


As a bonus, dandelion greens and kale are especially high in vitamin K.


What else do we need? The answer is Silica!

The other critical mineral that we need that forms a mesh to bind calcium to our bones and increase bone density, but often lack, is silica. The vegetable with high silica content is the cucumber. In this instance, “a cucumber a day – will keep the fractures away!” The Horsetail herb has the highest silica content by weight of all, so you can also throw a Horsetail capsule as well as cucumber into your smoothies to get your silica.



You’re off to a great start. But, don’t forget about Vitamin D!

That means you need to get your 20 minutes of sunlight for the day, so your body can make it or you can eat vitamin D rich foods, such as, salmon, herring, sardines, cod liver oil, canned tuna, oysters, shrimp, and egg yolks. Or, you can take a vitamin D supplement, which is my last choice.

Or… You can your own Vitamin D supplements. Consider this novel idea using Mushrooms!

Mushrooms do contain some Vitamin D; the only plant source for Vitamin D. Some of the best for Vitamin D are shiitake, maitake, chanterelle, crimini, portabella, and oysters. However, if they’ve been grown indoors, they may not have much vitamin D at all. BUT, mushrooms contain ergosterol, which when exposed to UV B or sunlight, is converted to vitamin D2. You can use dried mushrooms or fresh, just place them with the gills up in sunlight or under UV for six hours for two days. You will have yourself a mega source of vitamin D. We’re talking in the neighborhood of 40,000 to 50,000 IUs per 100 grams of mushroom. 100g is often about 2 or 3 mushrooms. WOW! Nature is awesome. Actually, in 1 hour of sunlight of exposure, you can generally have created a daily dose of about 600-800 IUs of vitamin D. And, that is not all. The high vitamin D levels generated will last for more than a year.


Now you’re giving your body what it needs to make strong, healthy bones!

I hope this information has been helpful to you.

If you’d like more personalized help with your health, I’d be happy to help you get started on the road to vibrant health. You can email me with any questions, or you can sign up for an initial free Vitality Breakthrough Strategy Session and I can help you determine your next best steps to health! If you’re ready to get started now, check out my health coaching and training services. They are available in-person local to the San Francisco Bay Area, or distance coaching and training is available for non-local clients.

With Love, Holly

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