Steps You Can Take to Alleviate the Isolation and Loneliness of Chronic Illness

It is a fact that those suffering from chronic illness, quite often, tend to be isolated and lonely. Many times it is by choice. Often the pain and suffering makes it difficult to be around those who are healthy, because it is hard to put on a happy face, or to keep up. You may feel like you’re only a burden to those around you. Resentment or despair often sets in, and it is all too easy to push your loved ones away.

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Heal from Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Series 2

Chronic fatigue (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FMS) are illnesses that can result from a number of contributing factors, such as, dietary, environmental toxins, genetic predisposition, burning your candle at both ends, and unrelieved stress. Learn more about how to heal in blog 2 of this series.

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Reduce Stress and Improve Health with Abdominal Breathing

Proper Abdominal Breathing is a Cornerstone for Holistic Health and Wellness. Most people are shallow chest breathers. They breathe air only into the upper third of their lungs and then they’ve already started exhaling. Over time, this type of breathing can take a toll on the body, contributing to creating illness, or keep you from reaching the level of health you desire.

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Having a Hard Day? Series 2

You’re having a hard day and you’re reaching for relief. Maybe you’re in a lot of pain emotionally, physically, or spiritually – as I’m writing this – I’m visualizing sending you a hug. So many times, when I was desperately ill, I could really have used one. I don’t know you, but I do care and I believe the positive energy will reach you.

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