High Blood Pressure? Try this natural remedy!

High Blood Pressure is a major health issue in the U.S. According to the CDC, as of 2010 – 67 million American adults (31%) have high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3 adults.

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Using Food as Medicine: Introducing Phytochemicals

At Holistic Health with Holly™, organic plant-based food is our alternative medicine of choice: natural, simple, safe and effective. What is it about vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains that make them such powerful little healers?All plants contain molecular compounds called phytochemicals — “phyto” comes from the Greek word “phuton” meaning “plants.”

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Osteoporosis Concerns? You need this mineral Superstar!

Before, I introduce our mineral superhero, I’d like you to take a little quiz. Actually, it’s so little it’s only one question. But, the answer could change your life. If you were told by your doctor that your bone density was low and they were worried about osteoporosis, what one food item listed below, would you choose to eat a whole lot more of?

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