Alternative Health, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Diet Nutrition & Food Healing, Emotional Distress, Fibromyalgia, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Health

Heal from Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Series 1

Are you ready to heal from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia?

Chronic fatigue (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FMS) are illnesses that can result from a number of contributing factors, such as, dietary, environmental toxins, genetic predisposition, burning your candle at both ends, and unrelieved stress. Whatever path you’ve taken to arrive at where you are, you have undoubtedly run yourself into the ground. And now, your body, mind, and spirit have said enough, and are forcing you to STOP!

I urge you to please listen to your higher self. CFS and FMS are all about learning or relearning how to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. You can recover completely. I know that this is a fact, given that I’ve done it myself!

I healed myself when I was suffering from a lot more than just chronic fatigue (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FMS). I was suffering from a rare autoimmune illness called mixed connective tissue disorder. In addition to the CFS and FMS, I had scleroderma, Raynaud’s syndrome, random nerve pain, loss of digestive motility, trigeminal neuralgia, difficulty swallowing, insomnia, and panic attacks. I was a real mess. My journey took ten years and I recovered using natural and holistic methods. Despite the fact that Western medical doctors told me there was no hope for a cure. Fortunately, for me, I ignored them. Actually, I fired them! Now, I feel great, I’ve got my life back, and I want to help others do the same. This blog is part 1 of a Series I’m doing on techniques to help you recover from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

Holly's Wellness Journey

Keep reading for advice on what you need to heal.

Nurture Body Mind Spirit

  1. Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are a cry for nourishment and nurturing. Pouring lots of nutrition into your body is critical.
  2. Eat as much as you can of organic, nutrient-dense foods, such as kale, chard, dandelion greens, broccoli, beets, carrots, parsley, goji berries, avocados, asparagus, and watercress.
  3. Eat plenty of nuts and seeds, such as walnuts, almonds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.
  4. Eat hearty nutritious soups, salads, smoothies, and combination fresh juices. Stay tuned to my blog for delicious and nutritious recipes.
  5. I recommend beginning your healing program with the Vitality 15-day Detox Program.
  6. Remove dairy, processed sugar, alcohol, and grains, most especially wheat, from your diet. These will all exacerbate inflammation and inhibit your recovery.

Here is the recipe for my Vitality Blast Smoothie!

This smoothie is loaded with nutrition and healing phytochemicals. Use raw, organic ingredients and blend into a silky, nutritious smoothie in a blender. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Red Beet – 1 oz.
  2. Goji Berries – 1 oz.
  3. Kale – 1 oz.
  4. Dandelion Greens – 1 oz.
  5. Cucumber – 3 oz.
  6. Parsley – 1/2 oz.
  7. Celery – 2 oz.
  8. Spinach – 1 oz.
  9. Carrots – 3 oz.
  10. Apple – 4 oz.
  11. Filtered Water – 2 cups
  12. 6-8 Ice Cubes
  13. Lime – ¼ whole

The list above contains simple, yet critical, dietary, and food healing steps that you can take to start you on your way to health and wellness. You are comprised of body, mind, and spirit, and you are capable of miracles of healing. But, you must give yourself all the help you can, remove the burdens that created chronic fatigue and/or fibromyalgia in the first place. It is clear your body is unable to regain balance the way things are – so give it all the help you can, in order to tip the scales towards your restored health and wellness. Healing does take time and commitment, so be patient and kind to yourself. You can do it!

Stayed tuned for more of my healing chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia blog series. I will continue to provide healing advice and guidance in the series.

Nature always provides what we need to heal, it has been proven time and again, over thousands of years. Our food should be our first line of defense in any illness prevention plan and play a large role in the recovery of any illness. There are many helpful herbal formulas that may be appropriate to help you, such as, Imperial Tonic and Adrenal+.

If you’d like more personalized help with your health, I’d be happy to help you get started on the road to vibrant health. You can email me with any questions, or you can sign up for an initial free Vitality Breakthrough Strategy Session and I can help you determine your next best steps to health! If you’re ready to get started now, check out my health coaching and training services. They are available in-person local to the San Francisco Bay Area, or distance coaching and training is available for non-local clients.

With love, Holly

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