Acid Reflux, Alternative Health, Cardiovascular Health, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Diet Nutrition & Food Healing, Digestive Health, Emotional Distress, GERD, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Health, Stress Relief, Ulcers

GERD or Acid Indigestion? Try this Tums Alternative!

If you have GERD or acid indigestion, Beware Over the Counter Medications!

It is an eye opening fact that nearly half of all Americans in the U.S. now suffer from occasional, or chronic acid reflux (GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease), or ulcers. In order to mask the uncomfortable symptoms of GERD, ulcers, and heartburn, there has been an absolute explosion in the use of antacids, proton pump inhibitors (i.e. Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, Aciphex, to name a few…), in the U.S. The use of these drugs is alarming and a major contributor to our ever-lengthening laundry list of health issues.

Samples of medicines, tablets, capsules, vitamins, and placeboFor example, proton pump inhibitors interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron, and vitamin B12, which translates into an increased rate of bone fractures, chronic diarrhea, and pneumonia. Antacids, such as Tums and Rolaids, can lead to an overdose of calcium carbonate causing persistent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, unusual, involuntary muscle twitching or heart rate irregularities, unusual mood or mental changes, such as confusion, delirium, depression or coma. Long-term use of these drugs will shorten your life-span and send you on a downward medical spiral requiring more drugs.

What’s even more despicable is that these drugs do NOTHING to cure or address the cause of your heartburn, GERD, ulcer, or other digestive issues. So, why are we inundated with them by Western medical practitioners and pharmaceutical marketing? It’s quite simple – people want to profit from your pain and keep you hooked – and profit they do. In 2012, total sales of the leading antacids were approximately $1.26 billion, while sales of proton pump inhibitors are the third-largest category of drug sales in the U.S. topping out at almost $14 billion.

So, what natural alternatives are out there?

The answer is that there are many natural alternatives out there. The keys to eliminating GERD or acid reflux lie in changing your dietary habits, reducing stress, along with helpful herbal formulas that will aid you in achieving digestive balance. Soon I’ll be releasing my guide book: “GERD Be Gone! Simple, Safe, Natural, and Holistic Methods to Heal your Heartburn, GERD, ulcers, and other Digestive Concerns.”

Until then, I’d like to give you a powerful ally in reducing the pain and anguish that accompanies GERD or acid indigestion.

Introducing the Tummy Soother!

This is possibly the most useful smoothie recipe you’ll ever find to soothe your heartburn. I call it the “Tummy Soother.” If you suffer from daytime heartburn, you can make a thermos full and bring it to work, sip on it as needed. If you suffer from nighttime heartburn, leave your thermos by your bedside, and if you wake up with heartburn, instead of reaching for a Tums or Rolaids, take some big swallows of “Tummy Soother.” It’s just as effective, will not give any of the side effects mentioned above, and will provide a host of other healthful benefits. Plus, it actually tastes wonderful!

To make the “Tummy Soother”, you need a high-power blender, such as the Magic Bullet Blender, Blend-Tec, or VitaMix. Blending this recipe to a very fine and silky smooth consistency will increase its effectiveness.

Tummy Soother Recipe:

  • 8 oz. filtered or distilled water
  • 2 sprig tops of fresh, organic mint leaves
  • 1-2 whole organic cloves
  • ½ fuji apple
  • 6 oz. organic purple cabbage
  • 1 Tablespoon of organic, raw, unheated honey
  • 6 – 8 ice cubes – filtered or distilled water (keeps mixture from overheating while blending)

Blend on high for 2 – 50 second cycles.

Cabbage is your Tummy’s Best Friend

What’s up with cabbage in a smoothie to help the stomach? It’s simple, cabbage has an incredible ability to heal ulcers and other digestive health issues. In particular, it has extremely high levels of glutamine, which encourages growth and regeneration of the cells lining the digestive tract. Cabbage has been shown to heal ulcers, stomach aches, and even stomach cancer.

(Learn more: Hara M et al. “Cruciferous vegetables, mushrooms, and gastrointestinal cancer risks in a multicenter, hospital-based case-control study in Japan.” Nutr Cancer. 2003:46(2):138-47)

The best way to heal an ulcer is to actually juice the cabbage. In fact, your ulcer can heal in less than two weeks with a daily regimen of the fresh juice of two cabbages.

But, the cabbage doesn’t stop there. It contains wonderful phytochemicals, such as glucosinolates, indole-3-carbinol, sulforaphane, di-indolmethane, and isothiocyanates. It is the glucosinolates that work by stimulating antioxidant defense mechanisms while increasing the body’s ability to detoxify damaging chemicals and hormones.

It is an excellent source of vitamins C, K, and B6, folate, and manganese and is loaded with fiber when eaten. In fact, if you were to juice a small head (178 calories), you would intake 436% of your daily need of vitamin C, 19% of iron, and 29% of calcium. Cabbage is a good source of thiamin, calcium, iron magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. As an added bonus, the mineral selenium in cabbage is excellent for fighting cancer, most especially, breast, lung, prostate, and colon cancer. It also protects against heart disease, improving conditions of arthritis, slowing the aging process, and giving beautiful skin.

So, what are you waiting for? Toss those TUMs in the trash and stock up on purple cabbage, your tummy will thank you. Drink up and enjoy it!

If you’d like to get an herbal assist in eliminating GERD or acid indigestion, I do carry and recommend two wonderful formulas. The first is GI Care for the digestive system. The second formula is Calm for help with stress and anxiety that you may have, which often contributes to digestive issues.

I hope you have found this information helpful.

If you’d like more personalized help with your health, I’d be happy to help you get started on the road to vibrant health. You can email me with any questions, or you can sign up for an initial free Vitality Breakthrough Strategy Session and I can help you determine your next best steps to health! If you’re ready to get started now, check out my health coaching and training services. They are available in-person local to the San Francisco Bay Area, or distance coaching and training is available for non-local clients.

With love, Holly

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