Bone Health, Cardiovascular Health, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Diet Nutrition & Food Healing, Digestive Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Health, Kidney Health, Liver Health, Longevity, Metabolic Health

Why Am I Passionate about Juicing?

Get a Higher Percentage of Healthy Foods into your Diet!

Juicing is a great way to get a variety of vegetables and fruit into your diet, along with an abundance of nutrients from the produce into a manageable, drinkable quantity. All these powerful, medicinal phytochemicals, nutrients, and minerals are ready to be absorbed by the body.  But, in order to extract the good stuff you do need a good quality, geared or press juicer to do it. My favorite juicer and the one I use all the time is a Greenstar 2000, incredible value for your money. It’s slow grinding twin gears are highly efficient at extracting the nutrients and you will get plenty of fiber with your juice. The fiber is great for heart health, the digestion and regulating sugar spikes. I purchased my Greenstar in 2005 and it is still going just as strong as the day I bought it. A bladed juicer is not worth your money; for the most part, they just pull out the sugars and none of the fiber. I consider a bladed juicer to be a fast track to diabetes. Even with a twin-geared or press juicer, you still want to keep your juices comprised of about 80% or greater of vegetables and 20% or less of fruits to keep the sugar content down.

The biggest reason I’m so passionate about juicing is simple. Juicing saved my life.

Holly's Wellness JourneyIn 2004, I couldn’t digest solid food anymore, among many other things. I had a horrible auto-immune illness called mixed connective tissue disorder. I had wasted away to skin and bones, and knew I didn’t have much time left. I detail this experience in my book Rising from the Abyss: My Journey into and out of Chronic Illness.

Juice of Life

After a spiritual epiphany, I realized I still wanted to live. I was guided to begin a massive juicing program. With nutritional direction from Dr. Mercola, I put together my “Juice of Life”. It contained twenty-one different raw, organic, vegetables and fruits. Eighteen of those were vegetables. I drank sixty-four ounces a day, along with protein and good fat smoothies. This was to be my diet for an entire year.

My “Juice of Life” provided me with huge quantities of nutrition and miracle-healing phytochemicals. I literally felt the life pouring back into my body with every divine swallow. This was the beginning of my path to wellness, and I experienced miracles of healing every day. Now, I’m well again and my mission is to teach others how to create and maintain vibrant health at any age!

Although juicing wasn’t the only indispensable link in my healing chain, without it, I wouldn’t be alive today. I still drink my “Juice of Life” almost every day and I will happily continue for the rest of my life. Juicing and food-healing are an important part of an overall wellness plan. In the future, I’ll be blogging a lot more about the amazing healing qualities of specific vegetables and fruits and sharing some of my wellness recipes with you.

Try the Sanguis – a Vitality Juice Recipe!

Here’s a wonderful juice recipe for building healthy, red blood cells. I call it – Sanguis. Use a measuring cup for the proportions of juice ingredients.

Sanguis Ingredients: (after juicing liquid measured in ounces)

  • Carrot – 4 oz.
  • Spinach – 3 oz.
  • Beet – 3 oz.
  • Cucumber – 2 oz.
  • Celery – 2 oz.
  • Parsley – 2 oz.

Drink up for better health!

I hope you found this blog helpful.

If you’d like more personalized help with your health, I’d be happy to help you get started on the road to vibrant health. You can email me with any questions, or you can sign up for an initial free Vitality Breakthrough Strategy Session and I can help you determine your next best steps to health! If you’re ready to get started now, check out my health coaching and training services. They are available in-person local to the San Francisco Bay Area, or distance coaching and training is available for non-local clients.

With Love, Holly

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