Build Strong Bones and Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a rapidly growing global health concern, and according to the World Health Organization, second only to heart disease. Preventing osteoporosis should be a global health priority. It is also interesting to note that the nations with the highest calcium intake have the largest incidence of osteoporosis. For example, the Eskimos who consume more calcium than any other culture in the world have the single highest rate of osteoporosis anywhere in the world.

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Osteoporosis Concerns? You need this mineral Superstar!

Before, I introduce our mineral superhero, I’d like you to take a little quiz. Actually, it’s so little it’s only one question. But, the answer could change your life. If you were told by your doctor that your bone density was low and they were worried about osteoporosis, what one food item listed below, would you choose to eat a whole lot more of?

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