Training with Holly

Then, you need a personal health trainer and I can help you! Regardless of age, you can get your life back and engage in activities that you may have thought were long since gone.

I’m a certified personal trainer with specializations in corrective exercise and senior fitness. I’m over 55 and specialize in helping clients over 40, who want to get healthy and fit, but may be intimidated by a gym. As your trainer, I will assess your current condition, taking into consideration any aches, pains, injuries, or concerns you may have and then, design a safe program that works for you.

I also provide other training you may need to fill in the gaps of your holistic health plan. I’m a certified Medical Qigong practitioner and have trained in the martial arts  since the age of 12.

I can also help you with diet and nutrition, meditation techniques, relaxation and stress reduction or teach you Qigong movements for better health and wellness. As your Trainer, I fully acknowledge and honor your uniqueness and that you are the best expert on your own life. You are the ultimate director of your health and fitness journey.

I will work with you to customize a training program that is designed to safely help you to reach your personal goals. I have a proven track record of success with my clients and their successes bring me great joy! There is no greater wealth to be found, than your health!

My Personalized Health Training packages all offer the personal attention and customized guidance that you, as the special and unique person you are, require. One of my passions is helping clients with their process of self discovery, as we create sustainable lifestyle modifications together. The end result is a renewed and effective approach to your health and long-term goals.

The pricing for my training packages are based on the time frame you choose, with the longer time frames being the most cost effective. One common approach my clients take is to choose a shorter time frame package to get their feet wet and gain confidence in the process, and then transition into a longer training package. Your consistent effort and commitment to achieving your health goals is a critical component for success, as we unearth and refine the strategies that work best for you while formulating effective methods to assist in overcoming any barriers to progress that may arise.


(Conducted via Skype, or in-person, typically 90 minutes.)
In this initial assessment session, we will explore your medical and lifestyle history, your current condition, and your training goals (both short and long term). We’ll talk about the skills you need  and the training I will provide to help you meet your goals.

Using information from the Assessment session, I craft a customized training program for you. Depending upon your needs and goals, this may include personal fitness training, corrective exercise, balance and stability, core, Qigong, meditation, reflexology, and more.

I will teach you the skills you need to continue your lifelong holistic health journey. During the course of your training package, your program will be continually revised and updated to reflect your increasing skill level. I offer training packages of varying lengths to suit your training needs.

(Conducted in-person, 60 minutes)

Our training sessions are at the heart of how we connect and train. During our training sessions, we’ll work on the skills and knowledge you need to master your program. After a session, I will assess and refine your training program, as necessary. Training sessions can be scheduled 1 or 2x per week. The frequency of training sessions depends upon the chosen package.

You never know when you might need extra clarification, a question answered, or just knowing that you’ve got an ally on your wellness journey. I am available via email for my clients in-between training sessions to answer questions, provide guidance, and/or support.

My Personalized Health Training packages all offer the personal attention and customized guidance that you, as the special and unique person you are, require. One of my passions is helping clients with their process of self discovery, as we create sustainable lifestyle modifications together. The end result is a renewed and effective approach to your health and long-term goals.

The pricing for my training packages are based on the time frame you choose, with the longer time frames being the most cost effective. One common approach my clients take is to choose a shorter time frame package to get their feet wet and gain confidence in the process, and then transition into a longer training package.

Your consistent effort and commitment to achieving your health goals is a critical component for success, as we unearth and refine the strategies that work best for you while formulating effective methods to assist in overcoming any barriers to progress that may arise.

Initial Starter Training Packages

If you’re a first time training client, please choose one of the Starter Training Packages offered below. Once you’ve completed a Starter Training Package, you may then select one of the even more cost effective extended training packages to help keep you on the road to Vitality!
Bronze Starter Package
$ 775 8 Sessions
8 Session First Time Client Starter Training Plan!
This 8 session training package is the shortest time frame available for a starter package. It will provide you with a great introduction to the benefits of personal training and provide your initial customized training program.
• One on one In Depth Assessment Session
• Your Customized Training Program
• 8 One on One Personalized Training Sessions
• 1 Month of Training at 2x Week or 2 Months at 1x week.
• End of Package Progress Review and Training Recommendations
Get started today! Your health is worth it!
Silver Starter Package
$ 1465 16 Sessions
16 Session First Time Client Starter Training Plan
This is the 16 session starter training package; my most popular option. This package really gives you enough time to immerse yourself into your training program and experience the benefits of having a trainer; someone who is always in your corner, providing health expertise, and working with you to craft and implement the next best steps to take.
• One on one In Depth Assessment Session
• Your Customized Training Program
• 16 One on One Personalized Training Sessions
• 2 Month of Training at 2x Week or 4 Months at 1x week.
• Monthly Progress Review and Training Recommendations
Get started today! Your health is worth it!
Gold Starter Package
Best Value
$ 2120 24 Sessions
24 Session First Time Client Starter Training Plan
This starter training package is the longest time frame available at 24 sessions. This option is popular for our clients who have worked with a trainer before, they are ready and raring to go and want to get the most cost effective package out there. You’re ready to go for the gold!
• One on one In Depth Assessment Session
• Your Customized Training Program
• 24 One on One Personalized Training Sessions
• 3 Months of Training at 2x Week or 6 Months at 1x week.
• Monthly Progress Review and Training Recommendations
Get started today! Your health is worth it!

Difference Between Initial and Extended Training Packages

Once you have finished your initial training package, I offer even better pricing on my extended training services. You can choose from a number of packages that provide the same great training features as a starter package, but as a reward for committing to your health and wellness, you receive an even bigger discount for extended training.

Extended Training Packages

Once you have finished your initial training package, I offer even better pricing on my extended training services. You can choose from a number of packages that provide the same great training features as a starter package, but as a reward for committing to your health and wellness, you receive an even bigger discount for extended training.
Bronze Extended Package
$ 540 6 Sessions
6 Session Extended Training Plan
This extended training package provides 6 in-person training sessions, available for clients who have completed their starter training package. Sessions can be scheduled any time within a 6 month time frame. This package is designed for those clients who feel fairly confident with their training, but they still want to have a trainer in their corner keeping an eye on their progress and providing guidance when needed.
You will receive:
• 6 One on One Training Sessions
• Review and Adjustment of Training Program after each session
Let’s keep your progress going! Your health is worth it!
Silver Extended Package
$ 1395 16 Sessions
16 Session Extended Training Plan
This extended training package provides 16 in-person training sessions, available for clients who have completed their starter training package. Sessions can be scheduled any time within a 6 month time frame. This package is designed for those clients who still want to have regular training sessions to keep their progress going and take advantage of the package discount.
• 16 One on One Training Sessions
• Ongoing Review and Adjustment of Training Program as needed
• Guidance and Advice – available if needed via email
Let’s keep your progress going! Your health is worth it!
Gold Extended Package
Best Value
$ 2695 32 Sessions
32 Session Extended Training Plan
This extended coaching package provides 32 in-person training sessions, available for clients who have completed their starter training package. It is designed for those clients who want to continue their training program with my full service training and guidance and want the most cost effective package.
You will receive:
• 32 One on One Training Sessions
• Ongoing Review and Adjustment of Training Program as needed
• Guidance and Advice – available if needed via email
Let’s keep your progress going! Your health is worth it!


Are you motivated and ready, but don’t know where to start?

Schedule a free Vitality Breakthrough Strategy Session with me today and learn how to jump-start your way to health and wellness!