About Holly

Are you an older adult seeking a highly qualified and experienced health & fitness coach to teach you how to restore or create and maintain your health and vitality? Do you want alternatives to the overuse of prescription drugs?

Holly is available locally in-person in the San Francisco Bay Area or to any client globally via online coaching.

Schedule a complimentary Breakthrough Strategy Session with Holly today and discover the path to your Vitality!

Holly offers Health & Fitness Coaching customized for you and your unique circumstances to help you create and maintain vibrant health. Her services include health & fitness, diet & nutrition, Qigong, stress relief, and more.

Holly invites you to enroll in one of her Health & Fitness Coaching Packages that teach you simple, safe, & effective health & fitness methods to attain your health and wellness goals. You will learn and practice a vast array of healthy lifestyle techniques, discovering what works best for you as you journey towards the highest level of health that you wish to attain.

Holly reviews and offers various holistic health and wellness products based on her personal experience of their quality and effectiveness.

Holly welcomes hearing about your personal health journeys. Contact Holly to share your own stories of success so that you can celebrate health and wellness together. Or, Ask Holly a health question that concerns you and you may be selected to receive your answer via Holly’s Health Blog or Holly’s Youtube Health Channel!

At the heart of Holly’s passion is the acknowledgment that you are unique and your experience of health and wellness cannot be determined using one-size-fits-all western medical approaches. You can be the ultimate director of your journey back to health. Holly will help you explore your wellness options. She will encourage you to keep only the methods that work for you and set aside those that don’t. Holly will be there to remind you that as you change your health, the methods that work best for you will also change. Holly is an expert at providing you with healthy options, safe and effective skills, and tools, compassionate understanding, positive encouragement as you take your next steps to better health.

Contact Holly today to schedule your complimentary Breakthrough Strategy Session and find your way back to health.

I hope you enjoy my health coaching videos!

Check out My YouTube Health Channel

Learn the Straighten Up Exercise: Great Posture at Any Age!

Standing & Sitting: Prevent Injury with Proper Body Mechanics


Get Connected

Are you motivated and ready, but don’t know where to start?

Schedule a free Vitality Breakthrough Strategy Session with me today and learn how to jump-start your way to better health!

In Person Sessions

4980 Appian Way, Suite 208
El Sobrante, CA 94803

Our Office Location

4980 Appian Way, Suite 208
El Sobrante, CA 94803.

Our Mailing Address

4980 Appian Way, Suite 208
El Sobrante, CA 94803.

Phone: (510)-484-4253

Our Business Hours

7 am – 7 pm Monday – Friday